Geographic Information System (GIS)
A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen on earth. GIS technology integrates common database operations such as query and statistical analysis with the unique visualization and geographic analysis benefits offered by maps.
The City of Tallahassee, the Leon County Board of County Commissioners, and the Leon County Property Appraiser's Office entered into an Interlocal Agreement in May 1990 to create the Tallahassee-Leon County Geographic Information Systems (TLCGIS) program.
GIS is an integral part of operations at Police, Fire, Water, Sewer, Gas, Electric and Stormwater as well as having a strong presence in Growth Management, Public Works and Planning plus other departments.
The City of Tallahassee ISS / GIS staff provides support to city employees and departments who use GIS data and programs to perform their primary jobs efficiently. The GIS staff also provide GIS program and project management, maps, interactive web application development, geospatial data creation, and quantitative data analysis, for the city's studies, reports and internal audits.
The Tallahassee-Leon County Geographic Information Systems offers the following GIS Internet applications:
City of Tallahassee
Logo used for City of Tallahassee GIS Applications

- DigiTally - A mobile application available for Android and Apple devices that includes several GIS applications and interfaces.
- Find a Park - Select from a list of City managed parks, trails, and amenities lists to view the location on a map.
- Where's My Bus? - Coming Soon! Find where your bus is in relation to your current location.
- Solid Waste Pickup Schedule - Color coded map of where and when garbage and yard waste pickup occur.
- Tallahassee Online Police Statistics (TOPS) - Displays crime, traffic crash, and quality of life data specific to the City of Tallahassee (Tallahassee Police Dept.).
- Driver Information - The Tallahassee Driver Information System is a feature of our state-of-the-art Tallahassee Advanced Traffic Management System (TATMS). The Traffic Engineering Division is proud to bring you this system to aid in your decision making. Statistical information about the traffic congestion and be viewed using the Level of Service (LOS) and Volume over Capacity layers in the application.
- Think About Personal Pollution (TAPP) - The goal of this site is to provide a WaterDropTool, for use in association with the TAPP Campaign, to educate residents about the flow of water from their property, in order to help protect our local lakes, sinks and streams from the effects of personal pollution.
- Your Own Utilities Authorized Payment Centers - Utility customers wanting to make in-person payments by cash or check have a new option at Authorized Payment Centers located conveniently throughout the city.
- Underground Utility Services - Find out if gas, sewer, and water service is available at your location.
- City Owned Real Estate - View Real Estate that is owned and managed by the City of Tallahassee.
- Street Ownership and Functional Class - View who owns and maintains a street and see the street's functional class.
Joint Tallahassee/Leon County
Leon County
Property Appraiser
Listed below are a few of the projects that ISS / GIS staff support:
Electric, Gas, Water Utilities link GIS information to enterprise systems:
- New services in the Customer Information System (CIS) are passed into the GIS and Electric staff connects these new services to the electric lines. This work provides the foundation to support critical COT applications such as Electric Outage Management.
- Gas and Water Utilities are integrating their GIS infrastructure data with CIS data and are linking their data models into the GIS.
- All utility departments provide GIS data that supports the One-Call "Call Before You Dig" service.
GIS information used in other utilities:
- Solid Waste Services uses a GIS-based routing solution to support creation of efficient routes for pickup of commercial customers.
- Stormwater uses a parcel-specific GIS application to determine flood elevation. This will allow staff to more easily determine appropriate elevations required to keep buildings above the 100-year flood zone.
GIS information used in other departments:
Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) and Tallahassee Fire Department (TFD)
GIS provides the backbone for TPD's Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. This ensures that the necessary geographic data (street centerlines, addresses, etc) are available to support dispatch functions. Our custom TLCGIS Mobile Mapping Application is currently in use in all patrol cars, assisting officers with locating addresses and common places. The CrimeView application uses GIS data to assist the Crime Analysis division with tracking crime incidents, reporting patterns to command staff, and assisting in crime prevention activities.
Tallahassee Leon County Geographic Information Systems
Web mapping is a great way to bring GIS data and functionality to end-users via web browser. COT GIS and the Interlocal have chosen this as a way to get GIS in the hands of staff and the public who need to view GIS data to effectively do their work, without requiring extensive training or expensive desk-top hardware. Our IMAPS site accomplishes this:
LandID Project
This project will make subdivision development information available to internal staff via GIS. As an example of this, City Electric benefits from access to lot lines before the property appraiser formally accepts them.
StarMetro's Dial-A-Ride program uses GIS data in the routing and rider management system.